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Personality "tests" help you understand how your temperament affects career decision-making, and provide sample jobs and job families that are often attractive to people with your traits.

Interest inventories, such as the Strong Interest Inventory, assess your interests to identify jobs that are likely to be satisfying for you. The Strong also provides information on your learning style, leadership style, orientation to teamwork, and comfort with risk-taking.

Values prioritizing exercises help you identity your “must haves” to feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your work. Many mid-career professionals change jobs because their current work does not satisfy their values.

Skills identification exercises identify the activities you enjoy and are good at that can be imported into a new or first-time job. These activities can help you choose an occupation that capitalizes on your strengths.

Needs assessments help determine what kind of work environment you thrive in and your preferred relationships with supervisors and peers.

You and your counselor will determine which assessments will be a useful component of your career planning process.

Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very sillent if no birds sang except those that sang best.

Henry Van Dyke