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Career Planning

Did you know that most people spend more time planning one vacation than planning their entire career? Over one's lifetime, it looks something like this:

Total Vacation Planning
Total Career Planning

Did you also know that most people are moderately to extremely dissatisfied with their work? Statistics vary, but something like the following seems to be the case:

People who loathe their work
People who love their work

Which are you?

You could join the ranks of the happily employed by meeting with one of our career professionals. What differentiates us from career specialists who rely solely on tests and other objective indicators, is our personalized approach. We work from the “inside out” to help you match jobs to you, instead of matching you to a list of jobs.

Career Planning typically begins with a face-to-face consultation to identify your goals and an appropriate game plan to meet them. The process may include a combination of counseling, coaching, vocational testing and self-assessment exercises to identify your temperament, interests, values, skills and needs. Depending on your goals and life situation, we may meet for just a few sessions or over an extended period of time. Our aim: to help you make a conscious plan for your next career step.

Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.

Oprah Winfrey